Resetting Safari 8

hello there! first off, i'd apologize in advance if i'm posting in wrong thread. mods, please feel free move if necessary. also, searched topic , can't seem find answer problem. anyway here goes...

imac running yosemite , safari 8. logged on bank has 2 layers of protection: after putting in username, it'll ask 1 of security questions, , when answered correctly you'll asked enter password. on security question page, there option not ask again if private computer (which chosen default), , option public computer , not remember computer. choose not remember computer it's private computer because of security purposes. however, since remember computer chosen default, accidentally click on submit instead of ticking don't remember box. now, every time log on bank, skips security questions , goes straight password. tried clearing history , web data it's still remembering computer. called bank ask how un-remember/forget computer , said resetting safari. since safari 8, there no more reset safari option , clear history , web data. know how else can reset/forget computer in safari? thanks!

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