Hackintosh laptop running Yosemite 10.10.1 w/ X3100 graphics

i'm on hackintosh laptop running yosemite 10.10.1 w/ x3100 graphics. found x3100 64-bit kexts appear load, , shown loaded in kextstat. see qe & coreimage seemingly working; screensavers flurry & lotsawater smooth & normal, chess.app has full functionality in 3d, i'm assuming have qe & coreimage.
opengl doesn't appear work. opengl extensions viewer tests show horrible frame rates in single digits.
maps crashes, vlc has no video, audio. google earth works seems slow system, jerky zoom, etc.
seems "so close" functional, opengl patches x3100 extremely appreciated.

how safari on web sites lots of graphics animations or ctrl-up/ctrl-down/ctrl-left/ctrl-right actions? smooth? can open dvdplayer? if so, check supported features (through menu). if have full graphics support/acceleration, you'll same report per attached screenshot.

if have apple developper tools (xcode), try & run quartz debug app, that's supposed activate quartzgl, deactivated default since ml understand... doubt it'll change anything. opengl, it's not matter of patches, it's matter of libraries used os, notably newer ones (opengl3.3, opengl4.x, opencl). if underlying gpu not compatible, there's nothing done. unless sort of god pretends can rewrite ml/mav/yos (this extends apps provided os) call on libraries used in sl or lion. :rolleyes: then, run sl or lion...


intel gma950/x3100 support opengl v1.4/v2.1 only. may find following opengl gpu comparison interesting:

sl relying on opengl2.1 , lion introduced support opengl3.2 features. ml, apple decided shake & modernise graphics capabilities of os , target opengl4.

attached files:

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