Dual 27" iMacs vs TDM? And a bit about iMac for photo work. (surprisingly good)

i have mid-2011 27" imac use photography. i've been quite pleased , had been running old nec 20" monitor second screen web browsing.

purchased asus pa249q 99% adobe rgb coverage use second monitor , proof images before printing. largely on advice of fellow photographer disliked imac screen color accurate work , figured time update 7 year old nec.

calibrated both i1display , surprised @ how closely imac matched new monitor - quite subtle difference in color temp it. decided order prints lab see how images on screen compared final product.

opened same images in ps on both monitors. when clicking 'proof colors' on imac , using adobe rgb, colors shifted lot , not place. asus had no shift.

but, monitors (with proof colors unchecked) remarkably close each other , final prints!

in mind, thinking of sending asus amazon returnable within 30 days , using 2011 imac secondary monitor vs computer when purchase retina imac later year (waiting on rev b).

considered using 2011 imac in tdm retina imac but, if understand correctly, cannot use of 2011 imac ports send data via tb retina imac.

i'm thinking better setup dual 27" imacs. 2011 web browsing or spreadsheet use (essentially use current second monitor for). retina primary. way can use old imac's superdrive instead of purchasing stand alone one.

thoughts on whether makes sense run these independently or there smarter way use tdm above setup? tdm, still use imac's superdrive via retina imac? 2011 imac's 1tb internal drive used glorified time machine backup other devices in house?



i'm pretty sure can use retina imac in combination imac. retina imac needs host computer, 2011 imac acting display.

not able use disk , superdrive far know.

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