AVCHD structure organization?

okay, before have checked internet , can't clear.

sony rx100 creates avchd files
used copy .mts , luckily premiere edited them well

have research , seeing file structure essential , want have best quality , flow
i'm on mac problem...

when film camera if film diferent days , things, in 'private' folder, how can separate , organize all, programs?
want have folders names , dates, know in editing program can reorganized, not practical hundreds of clips diferent projects , if need clip or use program messy in finder

have checked out
http://www.divergentmedia.com/clipwrap - don't want this
http://www.vector15.com/silentsifter/ - loosing info
http://www.videohelp.com/tools/multiavchd - need crossover

as learned years ago, , tell students daily: not mess card structure.

don't go digging files don't understand. never. period.

in nle, navigate private folder , nle magically (no really, it's magic) open video/audio files.

believe camera shooting avchd still carries metadata regarding shoot days (if set on camera), have navigate folder first in nle.

cannot possibly understand how folders structured in card-- , you're not supposed to. leave them alone , nle.

work w/o problem in premiere pro (cs6, cc, cc 2014), fcpx, avid (via ama). not sure old fcp, perhaps log , transfer camera manufacture. really, why using legacy fcp unless being paid.

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