with os x server's vpn feature, can go say, starbucks, , in effect use non-secure wifi securely using os x server's vpn?
happen? would, in effect, being using home internet connection @ starbucks?
thought buying vpn service $5-$10 month can use public wifi safely, os x server $19. os x server's vpn work purchasing vpn service? difference?
yes, time.
means, of course, must have machine running server @ home or office. can't load server on laptop , carry starbucks if want vpn.
if want decent vpn cheap , don't want devote mac purpose, can $35 raspberry pi per instructions @ http://unvexed.blogspot.com/2012/08/how-to-set-up-real-encrypted-vpn.html ...i've got 1 of (two, actually), in addition mac have dedicated various server services, gives me duplicative vpn capability has been handy.
don't expect "it works" experience os x server. server thin user-interface veneer on top of standard unix networking services. running server geektastic, no way around it.
1 more thing: locations (and countries) block known commercial vpn services, running own work in circumstances. resist temptation use various "what ip address" sites exist on internet, of these known feed databases of known vpns. , in general it's idea keep vpn-ing , not broadcast around how smart using one... when local network managers wind of that, they'll add vpn block-list. note in circumstances, using vpn may imperil in way or another: they're illegal in few countries, , employers may take dim view of using network , computers access own vpn whatever purpose. vpn eyes open.
Forums Macs Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Networking
the holidays mean slow news days. that, plus being weekend, means slow news days. hell, it's feel-good story, enjoy. found courtesy of npr , i'll let actual source tell story. enjoy. http://www.adn.com/article/20150101...-buddies-dug-moose-out-avalanche-hatcher-pass quote snowmachiner says , buddies dug moose out of avalanche in hatcher pass sean doogan january 1, 2015 snowmachiners rob uphus , marty mobley, along avery vucinich (not pictured), found moose buried in avalanche @ hatcher pass on dec. 28. after freed moose, ran away , appeared dazed uninjured, mobley said. moose caught in avalanche in hatcher pass may have 3 passing snowmachiners thank making new year. men dug moose -- young cow, think -- out of snow, apparently unharmed, after caught in avalanche dec. 28. 1 of men, marty mobley, 44, said moose caused slide swallowed , without group's help, not have survived. "there...
my mac mini (my first mac!) arrived today. powered on , crashed during set (i got rainbow wheel not go away), not start! crashed while setting keychain, there else set after that? forced power off , after restart mini went straight desktop instead of going through set again. tried download software use not find mac version of keepass http://keepass.info/ knows download it? display: using dell u2412m, windows laptop crisp, mac mini appears pixelated, knows how fix this? bought photography not ideal. other have first impression of mac os positive , mini fast despite traditional hdd. thanks mac virgin what happened when crashed? Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad App...
my isp forced me buy 3.0 docsis modem, once installed had reset router well. mb pro connected newly setup network fine 30 min. stopped working after having configured network security. issue has nothing network security, allow me explain... when select neighbors locked network, click connect , guess @ password, computer returns "invalid password". when same on own network connected to, says "connection failed". tells me has storage of information network had connected since implementing desired settings network. "connection failed" error repeatedly get. cached info not being updated or deleted. tried deleting .plist files, nothing. tried restarting, nothing. tries "new location" trick, nothing. appreciated. running 10.6.8. Forums Macs macOS ...
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