Using an iPad or Android tablet for digital drawing/painting?

i want use android tablet or ipad digital drawing , painting. realize there limitations both platforms doing this, though idea start artwork on tablets , finish on mac. ideally, surface, though more expensive route.

1. can recommend android tablet doing this? know of samsung ones come stylus, though pressure sensitive? better tablet 3rd party stylus?

2. has else done i'm trying do?

3. in general, work better ipad or android tablet ?


simples .....

note 12.2 corel painter mobile / artflow / sketchbook pro

buy bigger s-pen eraser , find have tablet can draw , paint on finesse wacom cintiq without being chained computer.

note 12.2 available quite cheap these days too.

of course wacom cintiq companion .... overpriced.

, yes - drawing s-pen offers vastly more accurate , of course pressure sensitive brush strokes capacitive stylus offers.

tablet - prefer ios on tablets, drawing / illustration note 12.2 has been best me. had surface pro 2 , found despite power , full windows - fatally flawed drawing tablet due issues third party software , h-dpi scaling , edge shift of stylus towards edges of screen made apps photoshop pain use, ironically corel painter full version poor performing on surface pro 2 , it's ui has scaling issues - corel painter mobile, on note 12.2 performs better.

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