G4 MDD 1.42 and Ubuntu

hi, i'm new linux install ubuntu on g4 mdd. downloaded live cd of 13.0.4 try , test out , got far booting cd burned , seeing loading screen gazillion errors , kind of out of league making happen. wondering if advise me best version g4 ppc , easiest method of installing it. thanks.

are dead-set on ubuntu? past few full versions have used what's called "unity" desktop, pretty demanding , slow down older computer. have considered debian (including mintpowerpc, lightweight , optimized powerpcs) or 1 of lighter ubuntu variants lubuntu or xubuntu?

i've installed several linux distros on few different systems, , never quite goes expect (or same way twice!). if you're having problems @ bootup, figure out how set load in "verbose mode" , google happens when begins hang. linux , installation has gotten lot more friendly on years, google going better friend on.

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