have tiresome task of renaming hundreds of bookmarks in fifty pdf books. applescript seems best solution, scripting has not produced results. i'm using osx 10.8.5 on mac mini.
tell application "adobe acrobat pro" try set (every text of every bookmark of document 1 = "560-vaa") "epca_april_14" end try end tell
what's going wrong it?
know script can handle bookmarks. script found online works when deleting them.
tell application "adobe acrobat pro" delete bookmarks of document 1 end tell
a slight modification first script resulted in bizarre consequences:
tell application "adobe acrobat pro" set name of every bookmark text try set (text "560-aaa") "epca_april_14" end try end tell
the consequence is, of hundreds of bookmarks renamed "ctxt". that's not progress, in right direction! further observations or aid appreciated. thanks!
still stuck on renaming bookmarks
hello, hope had weekend!
i'm playing applescript rename bookmarks. after friday's effort, discovered line "set name of every bookmark text" gave me "ctxt" because literal name "text". interesting. unhelpful, interesting.
have been able rename bookmarks based on ordered number. so,
tell application "adobe acrobat pro" try set (name of bookmark 1) "cover" set (name of bookmark 2) "title page, copyright" end try end tell
syntax not particularly helpful books have more bookmarks others. better change names of bookmarks themselves. so, put right combination of little words, , presto!
tell application "adobe acrobat pro" try set name of every bookmark name contains "0001-aaa" "cover" set name of every bookmark name contains "0002-aaa" "title page, copyright" set name of every bookmark name contains "0003-aaa" "index" end try end tell
yes, childishly simple. then, i'm kid @ heart, , programmer i'm not.
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