ex-pc user want to buy iMac


pc user many many years... have done lot of video, photo , audio production on pcs on last 15 years on semi-pro level. have adjusted work pc capatibilies, used have work done...

pc damaged now, windows laptop too. have done big reaearch of on market today.

, sick of windows un-inspiring os. interested in all-in-one machine. don't towers , cables anymore. windows aios have bad points, either screen or resolution, processor capatibilies, runninf loud, , of them can not compared imacs design , solid manufactured, state of art machines.

have 2 kids, doing lot less of audio-video pro things. want indeed machine capable multimedia tasking , casual day-to-day stuff... , made, quiet, nice designed...etc..

used photoshop, sony vegas , cubase lots of plugins on pc.

latest 8 years old pc this: core 2 duo; 2 times ddr2 667 (5) 1gx16 (i don't know 2 or 4 gigs of ram together?); hard drive wd caviar se 16 500 gb; ati sapphire hd 2600 xt. monitor 22 inch lg flatron l226wtq.

want purchase imac 21 specs: 2.7ghz quad-core intel core i5, turbo boost 3.2ghz; 8gb 1600mhz ddr3 sdram - 2x4gb; 1tb fusion drive; intel iris pro graphics.

let's move on questions:

1. how more capable or faster new imac compared pc? 50%? able multimedia tasking flawless?

2. iris pro comparable old ati?

3. there comparison possible make between old monitor , new imacs display?

4. fusion drive smart decision if want fast , quite machine?

5. fans running loud on imacs? have had borrowed macbook pro retina 15 , quite machine ever worked with.



1. without checking guess, looking @ much more 50%. more 2-5 times faster.
2. source indicates iris pro being 25-50% faster: http://www.pc-specs.com/gpu/compari...ro-graphics-5200-desktop-vs-radeon-hd-2600-xt. take grain of salt.
3. honestly, best way visit local apple reseller.
4. above all, it's compromise between speed , storage space. if fast , quiet needs, better served ssd.
5. not, can't machine. if it's integrated gpu, should keep fan noise levels low. typically apple computers whisper quiet when not under stress. can ramp quite bit while under stress.

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