Ferguson Prosecutor Busted Presenting Fake Witness Before Grand Jury

this interesting see happens this.
so, prosecutor bob mcculloch. have grand jury investigation entire world watching. 1 of witnesses in support of officer revealed fbi have made entire account. do?

apparently present discredited witness grand jury anyways. played fbi interview, revealed witness 40’s car not @ location, 40 not have exited in manner described, 40 did not tell story until on 2 weeks after shooting. tore apart, showing changed story several times while sitting on stand. example, in interview, 40 claimed have made no contact police 2 weeks, later claimed did contact them several times before agreeing witness. , not occasion caught changing story, other times lack of knowledge of crime scene, how journal , testimony did not match, how exit complex did not exist claimed being revealed. interview, found on pages 86-184 of grand jury testimony volume 15, discredits witness.

then, knowing this, bob mcculloch brought before grand jury, , entered hand written journals filled racist language record. , testimony, discredited witness, 1 cited right-wing media outlets in attempts support former ferguson officer darren wilson. claims of michael brown charging bull? account, , account.

i think of our members have crow eat.

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