iOS performance vs OS X performance

why if have 2-3 year old ios device , update latest os take massive performance hit. while on other hand, if have old mac, can updated latest os little no performance problems.

case in point. have late 2009 macbook, 4gig ram, 320gb hdd , have updated os x 10.10 , still responsive , fast. yeah sure might little bit slower sl, really, still fast.

@ things such iphones , ipads, 2 years old , bricks if updated latest ios.sure new features added "slow down" old hardware, that. new features added os x , slow down issue isn't anywhere near same level.

frustrating when considering buying ios device , decided on whether massive 64gb/128gb machine , saying keep many years. when in reality, if having latest ios running, isn't viable option...

because desktop computers more 'future proof,' they're build on tech stays relatively same year-to-year, whereas mobile chips evolving @ faster rate.

maybe 20% improvement on new intel cpus or nvidia gpus, on mobile chips, see taglines '50% faster cpu , 80% faster gpu!'

in year, ipad might 80% slower new one, whereas mac might need 4-5 years point.

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