Apple's 'Communicating Stylus' for Capturing Digital Versions of Handwritten Notes Wins Patent


apple today awarded new patent u.s. patent , trademark office concerns new type of digital stylus translates user's handwritten note digital version when connected smartphone, tablet, or "digital computing device" (via apple insider).

patent details various exchangeable tips stylus, including actual ink, markers whiteboard, or rubberized nub akin popular tablet styli. stylus activates when various motion-sensing hardware, including accelerometers, detects when pen picked out of dock, pressed writing surface, or turned on manually.

thanks motion sensors able detect 3d plane, stylus uses initial 0 point transmit movement , flow of handwriting varying changes in position desired computing device. technology means actual surface isn't needed transmit data -- writing notes in air suffice. patent details ways users choose how data transmitted, including continuously or @ chosen intervals, allowing battery life preserved.

noted apple insider, there many practical solutions apple's new patent. pen allows user display writing on multiple displays, possible solution work meetings , classrooms. digital solution note-taking, user take notes pen on paper tablet, , digital copy sent phone or tablet tucked away in bag. automatically produced digital backup more edited , shared.

patent isn't new, being filed 5 years ago in january of 2010, , no means confirmation apple moving forward smart stylus of kind. but, patents, interesting glimpse possibilities company looking future.

article link: apple's 'communicating stylus' capturing digital versions of handwritten notes wins patent

another patent? how many now?

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