iPad won't charge

i have jailbroken ipad 2 running ios 7.1 2 seems have problem can't charged. i've tried lots if different adapters , wires won't charge. when ipad dead, plug in wall adapter , turned on showing apple logo. when on lock screen not charge. tried of wires , adapters , works fine on iphone, not ipad. please me asap. thanks.

f damaged ipad because of jailbreak screwed , learned lesson

remove jail break , maybe take ipad repair

, need understand ipad requires 10.5 watts charge. won't charge regular usb ports on windows pcs, won't charge stock usb chargers iphone.

requires actual ipad charger. if sure actual ipad charger okay. screwed.

ipad charger did die on me.. , had replace it. under warranty apple

fyi ipad requires 5 v usb @ 2150 ma charge screen on.

usb 2 500 , usb 3 900

if have mac since 2010, should of charged it
square one, screwed jail breaking it

dfu ipad
restore 8.1.1 remove jail break
if still won't charge pay apple $99 fix it
whatever , not bring jail broken ios device apple store

think theoretically possible jail break caused li-on battery go absolute 0 , killed battery.

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